About beemo, enterprise behind the ABC
beemo is a spin-off enterprise, founded 2011 at Münster University of Applied Sciences, Germany. We are specialised in challenging communication and information technology, particularly:
- Bicycle route planning and navigation
- Documentation of cycling activities and respective data handling
- Appealing campaigns and challenges in order to promote cycling Interactive services for sustainable mobility
- Sophisticated smartphone apps and web applications
Substantiated expertise
For the ABC we will bring in substantiated expertise from development and communication for the worldwide operation of our bicycle route planner and navigation system Naviki. Naviki has several hundreds of thousands of users and provides more than 6 million routing results per month. Renowned companies and cities like the German Railways (Deutsche Bahn, DB), Swiss Railways (SBB), Volkswagen (VW), and Derby Cycle (one of Europe’s largest bicycle manufacturers), Berlin, Cologne, and Münster as well as touristic destinations such as the whole of Denmark (Dansk Cykelturisme, DCT) use Naviki based services.
Enabling the switch from car traffic to cycling
We don’t understand ourselves just as technological service providers. Moreover we are highly convinced of the huge potential cycling has for a significant improvement of urban transport and traffic. By the aid of Naviki we aim to make cycling even more attractive in order to contribute to the global switch from car traffic to cycling.
It is essential that our campaigns and services effectively help achieving real life objectives. Therefore highest societal and environmental impact as well as substantially beneficial functionality and intuitive usability are our overall goals, in general and particularly as to the ABC. We look forward to cooperating within the Academic Bicycle Challenge!
beemo website (in German)